A work on paper

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Untitled 7

Untitled 7 Gouache, acrylic, charcoal, cut and pasted paper 38 x 29″ 2015

This is a work on paper, though generally I call it a drawing. I started working on it in August when I was at the Eastern Shore of Maryland. My sister and brother-in-law have a house there overlooking a glassy smooth inlet near Chesapeake Bay. I worked outdoors or on the screened-in porch. That was fortunate because the air was thick with mosquitoes which I tried unsuccessfully to bat away. There were also cardinals stopping at a nearby feeder. Their sound is more like a “chip chip” rather than a “chirp chirp”. It was a soothing sound. I preferred it to my iPod.

Why work on a drawing, a not very big one at that, for almost three months? It’s just one of the questions I’ve been asking myself. Or why write about a drawing and then publish my thoughts, basically making a private affair public? It’s not as if there aren’t any warnings about writing, many from other painters. Matisse, after giving voice to some of those misgivings said, in “Notes of a Painter,”: “Personally, I shall simply try to state my feelings and aspirations as a painter without worrying about the writing.” That sounds like a good place to begin.

2 responses to “A work on paper”

  1. Jeffrey Kurland Avatar
    Jeffrey Kurland

    Odd, this blog post doesn’t match your blog comments on petercrow.club
    Which blog is the real go-to blog for the latest in Peter Crow bloggings?

    1. petercrowg Avatar

      The answer is both.

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